Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Creative Project - Aims and Context/ Planning

Style: Experimental
Aims: To simulate what it's like to experience an anxiety attack, making the audience feel uncomfortable. Mental illness is a taboo topic, but mental illness in guys is even more taboo, I want to show that this sort of thing can and does happen to anyone, not just teenage girls.

Influences: Andy Warhol - Portraits
                  Godfrey Reggio - Natural shots and sped up shots of people going about daily life.
                  Stan Brackhage - Use of only colours in the shots.

Portraits zooming into the eye. Multiple people, majority male
Calm, natural shots becoming more manic and stormy.
Record busy corridor 3 times, speed it up and lay the shots over each other. Audio: Heavy breathing
Black and red swirling/fading together  starting to speed up to the point where it resembles convulsions. Audio: Static and tense music/ droning
Cut between dark static (FVK Danger video), nails on blackboard, Twisting branches/thorns/vines.
Voices whispering insults that you would think about yourself when you're panicking until it turns into white noise.
Audio out of sync with shots
Tap dripping
Traffic at night

Portraits in the photography studio, 2 guys and 1 girl??? 
Very quick flash (0.5 secs?) of static
Mid shot calm, blue sky
Mid close-up grass rippling in the wind
Mid shot darker sky, clouds rolling in
Flash of static
Close-up rain-drops falling on the window, slow down footage
Mid close-up rain falling in a puddle, heavy rain
Fade to black from outside of frame to the middle
Heavy breathing
Fade between black and red
Cut clips together/ place each clip on top of each other of people in the corridors sped up
Quick cuts between uncomfortable sounds (Static, nails on blackboard, twisting branches/ vines) Corridors, and red/black.
Audio over the top of quick cuts: heavy breathing, uncomfortable sounds that correspond to clips, and whispers of insults/comments you would hear in your head during an anxiety attack, etc.
Zoom out of eyes, back to the portrait shots. Nothing about them has changed apart from a subtle shift in how comfortable they seem.

Shots seem really static at the minute, maybe add a few more moving shots with panning and zooming?
Shaky/ jolted shots.

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